Sunday, September 18, 2011

8 Weeks Pregnant

My ultrasound is the day after tomorrow! I am so tired of this wait!!

What's going on with Baby B - The baby is the size of a kidney bean or raspberry. The baby is constantly moving at this point and has webbed fingers and toes. The good news is that the baby's tail is almost gone.

Symptoms - Ehhhh! My symptoms have completely disappeared today! It's so worrisome. No nausea... NOTHING. I've been fighting this wicked cold/allergies. It is making things so difficult. I can barely breath! I have been doing everything I can to fight it though... minus medicine. I think it's helping because today I can breath out of one nostril and I have been sneezing up a storm, which brings a few minutes of clear breathing each time.

Cravings - No real cravings yet. I have been wanting lemon juice and I have finally allowed myself to have it this week, even though it is bad for my teeth, because it's full of vitamin C and can help my cold.

Gender Prediction - I think my gender prediction is wavering. I am not as confident that it is a little boy anymore. I still feel stronger that it's a boy but hmmm.... I don't know.

Birthday Prediction - My birthday predication remains the same... April 27th.

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