Friday, August 5, 2011

So frustrated!

I was expecting to get a positive OPK yesterday since my test the day before was so close to positive, but the test was the same as yesterday's, if not slightly lighter. It was the last test I had of that brand so I had Kevin pick some up on his way home. I took a test that night and it was obviously negative, not even close to a positive. I know that this isn't saying much because it's a different brand but it's insanely frustrating.

I took another test today and yet another negative! I seems lighter then last night's but last night's test has been sitting overnight and it seems like it has got darker. The test from last night seems to have a dark line going down the side of the test line which if I had seen it last night I might have considered it a positive because it is as dark as the control.

I was having a 30 day cycle then a 26 day cycle. It went back and forth like that for the last 8 months. Last month was supposed to be my long cycle but it was another short cycle (27 days). Maybe this is my long cycle? So I wouldn't ovulate until CD 16 or 17 if that's the case. I am going to assume that is what is going on instead of getting upset. If I don't have a positive OPK by Monday or Tuesday I might go insane.

Really my concern is that I will get a complete negative (much lighter then the other tests) and never get a positive. If I don't get a positive I might not have had an LH surge and that would mean I didn't ovulate. I was feeling good about this cycle. I just had this overall feeling that this month things were going to turn out good.... but I don't know anymore. Trying to conceive is not fun. I just want to be pregnant again.

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