Anyways, we had our 20 week ultrasound on Friday. Everything looked perfect, which is all you really want to hear. I had been anxious to hear what the baby was measuring at since at 20 weeks Breckin was measuring a week and half ahead. I was terrified that we would find that this baby was measuring just as much, if not more ahead than Breckin was. Thankfully though the baby was measuring at exactly 20 weeks!! I might have a NORMAL sized baby. Maybe I wont have to be induced because of size! I guess only time will tell but this at lease gives me hope. I am terrified of have the same (or worse) complications as last time.
The tech had to have me lay on my side for a little while to get the baby to move into a better position so she could get the last of the measurements and maybe see the gender more clearly. After a few minutes she finished the measurements then turned the screen towards us so we could see the baby. After seeing the beautiful face, finger and toes, she focused her attention on finding out the sex and sure enough the baby finally got into a favorable position and allowed us to see from a couple of different angles that it was a little GIRL! Kevin and I could not be happier that now we have our little boy and our little girl. It's just so perfect.

After leaving the doctor's office we went out and bought a ton of girl clothes from Babies R Us. We couldn't help ourselves they were having a sale on spring/summer clothes... which was perfect for us... So we went a little crazy. After we went to lunch then went to buy pink balloons for our gender reveal photo. And this is how we told our friends and family....
Nesting is kicking in now. Yesterday I cleaned out our closet to make room for all of Baby B's stuff. It was quite an ordeal because Kevin and I are both stuffers and there was a ton of stuff in the closet that had no business being in the closet. I plan to clean the baby clothes today and hang them up. Then we will likely move on to another room to organize.
Congrats on your great U/S and your baby girl!