I'm almost halfway.... or quite possibly half way. Who knows. The doctor has said more than once "Watch, this baby will make his/her appearance at 38 weeks and we wont have to worry about size at all." So I guess we will see. I can't believe we are only a week away from finding out the gender. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas. With Breckin I wasn't this anxious. I KNEW Breckin was a boy. There was no doubt in my mind. I didn't need anyone to TELL me. This one has me a little stumped. I have doubted myself a little. I have mostly felt boy, but is that because I have always told myself I was only going to have boys? Is everyone under the sun telling me this is a girl made me question my own intuition? I don't know... but I WILL in a week.... as long as the baby cooperates. I am taking OJ and chocolate with me to get the baby moving if need be. I am planning on doing a gender reveal shoot with Breckin that afternoon so don't expect to find out until after the family all gets their calls and I have a chance to edit at least one of the images to put up on facebook and the blog.... oh please let this week fly!
What's going on with Baby B: Baby B is about the size of a mango, weighing about 8.5 oz and measuring about 6 inches. I feel the baby everywhere and every movement so I am sure this baby is measuring big. The baby can hear my voice now and his/her brain is developing the sensory system.
Symptoms: I am getting control of the migraines. I need to catch them immediately to make them go away. Dr. Hirata has me taking in caffeine to help get rid of the headache. So I have been drinking green tea at the first sign of a migraine. Sometimes I am lucky and it goes away completely other times it just dulls it but anything is better than terrible, vision impairing headaches. Last night I had heartburn. I hope it doesn't become a normal thing.
Cravings: Nothing really.
Sex Predictions: This will be the last one of these!! And I think I am going to say.... boy.
Birthday Prediction: April 23rd
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