What's going on with Baby B: My big goal was to make it to today... for two reasons. 1. Breckin's post-op visit was today and I really wanted to be there for him. 2. Baby B is now full term! I have been dilating and contracting more and more each week and we feared that I was going to go into labor before now. My new goal is to make it to my induction date or at least the night before. Which may sound weird if you have been reading my blog over the last 10 months. I was informed on Wednesday that my doctor, along with all but one of the doctors in her practice, would be on vacation for spring break. I'm not sure which doctor it will be, but all this means to me is that even if I am in labor during business hours I will not have my doctor and it is likely that with only one doctor available I will have one of the hospital staff doctors, a doctor I don't know, deliver my baby. Given my history I am a little worried. I am also not comfortable with a male doctor. While I am not the most modest person in the world, I am still not comfortable with a male OBGYN. It is a private area and I am just not comfortable..... And before anyone starts lecturing me that I need to be prepared for things to go a different way than I want... I understand that there is nothing I can do about the way things turned out but given how my last labor went, with all of the complications, I think it is valid for me to want/need a little control. Not everyone knows how serious my situation was and honestly I don't really want to go into it right now but because of that situation I want someone who knows my history to at least be in town. Also, I haven't checked but I worry that if my doctor is out of town that there is a chance the kids' pediatrician is out of town as well. Which is not a huge deal but we love her so so so so much. I would like her to be there when Baby B is in the hospital. Talk about someone who has done a lot of us over the years...
On Wednesday I had a growth ultrasound. It was amazing!! The tech did part of the scan in 3d, which I have never experienced before. I got to see her sweet little face and she looks exactly like baby Breckin. I got to watch the entire exam and could see the numbers as she did the measurements... 38 weeks 5 day, 39 weeks 1 day, 38 weeks 5 days... I was only 36 weeks 5 days!!! The tech also estimated that she weighs 8 pounds already. Ultrasound weight estimates are not always accurate but it at least tells us that she is going to be quite big. Dr. Hirata decided based on this information and because of my history, that I needed to be induced at 38.5 weeks, a little less than a week earlier than Breckin was induced. We are hoping that Baby B is a pound less than Breckin was at birth. I also found out that I am about 3cm dilated, 60% effaced and very soft. It's quite likely that I will go into labor on my own in the next week but the hope is that I last until April 17th.
I have been so anxious to get to this point but now that I have an induction date I feel more comfortable and willing to go that last week and a half. If I make it to the induction date we will be able to explain the situation to Breckin a little easier and we can take care of all the last minute stuff and have a nice family evening on the Monday before the induction. The plan right now for Monday is to get the house clean, make sure everything is packed, take the dogs to a kennel, pick up Kevin at work (since he needs to leave his van), then go to dinner at Olive Garden (like we did the night before Breckin's induction) and pick up cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory to have for dessert later. I want to make sure I am nice and full since I can't have any food from mid-night until after the baby is born.
Symptoms: Lots of contractions and pressure. The pressure is so extreme at sometimes that it hurts to sit up. The pressure is centered really hard on my bladder as well... that just adds to the discomfort. I have been waking up hourly at night to use the bathroom... I guess this is my body getting me ready for having a baby again.
Cravings: I am 11 days from Sushi!! Woot Woot!!
Birthday Prediction: Here's hoping for April 17th.
Baby Preparations: I still have one more dinner and one more breakfast to make and freeze. Kevin has a few more cleaning things to do that I am unable to do... like clean the high areas in the house that have been collecting dust all winter, like the top of the fridge. He also continues to work on the chicken coup! I am so excited. Breckin loves his daddy time. He takes his building jobs very seriously. It's a great learning experience for him and I am sure he will be proud to tell people that he helped build the coup for years to come.
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