What's going on with Baby B - I was amazed to read that Baby B is 3.5 inches long. He/she is growing so fast! The size is compared to a lemon this week. It seems like so much is going on. The baby can squint, frown and grimace. He/she is also producing urine at this point. The baby's body is growing faster than the head now and by the end of the week his/her arms will be more proportioned with the rest of the body. Baby B's liver will start producing bile this week and the spleen starts helping with production of red blood cells!
Symptoms - We have a new symptom this week... Geographic Tongue. I freaked a few days ago when I noticed that I had bald spots on my tongue. They don't hurt but they continued to grow so I emailed my doctor on Friday. When I hadn't heard back by the end of the day I called my mom and apparently I have always had this but I hadn't had an outbreak since I was a little kid. It's harmless and seems to manifest when your hormones are really high. Hopefully it will go away soon.. it looks quite weird. I have gotten some of my energy back. Enough for me to start actually planning for the arrival of this little one. I have been searching for recipes that I will be able to make and freeze the 2 months before the baby comes so we will have lots of food options without us having to cook. I have also started to make mental lists of things that need to be done around the house and purchased... I need to actually put that down on paper.
Cravings - I have barely eaten in two days. I am just getting my apatite back today. All I have wanted was Chicken Romen Noodles. Which is totally unhealthy but it is all that I could stomach yesterday. Overall, I have been craving grape juice like crazy and it tastes amazing to me! I am still having a lot of trouble with meat still but I have been able to eat more and more veggies. I've been craving steamed artichokes. We steam them up and eat them with butter. Breckin is a big fan of this craving. You would think he would have trouble eating them but he does a really good job. I don't think that is a normal skill for a 2 year old.
Gender Predictions - This new symptoms is really starting to make me question if it is a boy. I didn't have it with Breckin... and aren't your hormones higher with girls? I don't know! Everyone around me thinks it's girl. Honestly, I don't care either way. I can't wait to find out on Dec 9th.
Birthday Predictions - April 23rd.
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