It's so nice to get out of the "20 week" part of the pregnancy. I feel like I am finally nearing the end of this pregnancy. I am likely in the single digits of weeks before we meet our little girl. I have decided to go out of work earlier than originally planned. I will be starting my maternity leave in 4 weeks. My first day of leave will be March 19th. That is the earliest that I felt comfortable going out and although most days it is a struggle I think that I can comfortability push myself to this date. The issues that I have been having would be much easier to manage if I wasn't working. I am completely miserable and don't want the remaining two months to be like this and the doctor has expressed that she thinks it's time for me to leave work. I can only be on my feet for short periods of time because of the shin splints, intense pressure, and now extreme pain at the top of my bump (which has to be cause of gravity. I forgot to mention it at the doctors appointment today). I have been trying to sit as much as possible (which isn't easy when you are a teacher), I have been wearing support hose for the shin splints, and belly belt for the pressure and now pain at the top of my bump. I am still managing the headaches and migraines with tea. Thank goodness something so simple took care of that so I didn't have to go on that horrible medicine. I find my days are easier if I at least get a short nap (who's isn't though). On my days off Breckin will allow me to lay down here and there while we play. He is so sweet. I think he can tell when I am getting uncomfortable and he will say "Momma, just lay down." I am so lucky to have such an amazing toddler. It's so hard to believe I am going to love something as much as I love him. I can't wait to meet her.
What's going on with Baby B: My cervix was checked at my doctors appointment today, they have checked it the last three doctors appointments, because of some of the "issues" that I have been having. I wasn't really worried but they wanted to be cautious. I was having a hard time figuring out how high or low she was, considering she is kicking me in the ribs and hitting me in the cervix at the same time, so I asked if she was high. I was told she is at -3 station which isn't low but is lower than most are at this point. I also asked if she was head down and was told that she couldn't tell for sure but based on what she could feel, and the shape of my stomach that she thinks that she is head down. Her heart rate was in the 150s. Breckin went with me to the appointment today and was so excited to hear his little sister's heartbeat.
Symptoms: I have been dealing with a lot of swelling. I am barely able to wear my wedding and engagement ring which are normally really loose on me and I have had to take the ring of my right hand. It often hurts to bend my toes. I have been drinking lots of water in order to combat it. I've been avoiding too much salt as well. I am still having a lot of BH contractions. I guess they will only get stronger and more frequent until I go into actual labor. I am extremely tired still. I am waiting for nesting to totally kick in so I can get a burst of energy. It's kicked in a little. Over the last few weeks I have been trying to figure out recipes to cook and freeze so we have lots of ready made meals after the baby comes. I am also trying to figure out what else we would need to stock up on (and where we would put it all) so I can avoid shopping with two children for a long time.
Cravings: I still crave avocados. I am really into the salty/sweet combo right now.
Birthday Prediction: April 23rd