Sunday, August 28, 2011

5 Weeks Pregnant

I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I'm not positive about my estimated due date yet since I didn't ovulate until cycle day 16. Kevin thinks I may have ovulated a day earlier since my pregnancy test at 10 days past ovulation was so dark. Either way I think my due date is between April 29-30. I guess we will find out at our first ultrasound on Sept 20th.

Physical Symptoms - I'm so tired... sooooo tired. I have also continued to have cramping. Other than that I've feel fine. I actually would welcome so more pregnancy symptoms so I could just feel pregnant. I keep forgetting that I'm pregnant and I am afraid I am pushing myself too hard.

We had a very eventful week here... Tuesday, we had a 5.8 earthquake while I was at work. The epicenter was a few miles from our house and Goochland High School. The student's were evacuated and remained outside until the busses came and took them home. We had two significant aftershocks that night and another the night after that. All 3 aftershocks brought me to my feet. We were lucky that we didn't have any significant damage to the house. The initial earthquake broke the seal on the upstairs toilet and did damage to Breckin's bedroom window but it could have been much worse.

Thursday our power was knocked out by a down tree. We then had a large thunderstorm that kept the power out for several more hours. We were without it from 3:30pm-1:00am. We hooked up the generator so we didn't lose our food. We all had a horrible time sleeping, both Breckin and I NEED our fan to sleep.

Friday Breckin had his surgery. I wont go into to many details because I feel that he would want me to keep it private. I will say that the surgery went well and he is a trooper.

Saturday hurricane Irene hit Virginia. It had very little effect on us in Goochland but there were quiet a few down trees and outages across Central VA. We never lost power and it seems like most of my family in Central VA were just as lucky. The news said the coast was going to be hit the hardest, so Mom had a friend watching the river house. They lost power there but the house and dock made it through without damage. Our family friends who live in the northern neck said that it wasn't terrible there and most had power, which is wonderful!!

Here's hoping for a less eventful week! And maybe I will actually FEEL pregnant this week.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


That's right! You heard correctly!! I'm PREGNANT!! I want to scream it from the rooftops but it is still far to early. Only a couple of people know right now.

Let me start from the beginning....

Sunday August 14th, I started cramping. It continued steadily throughout the week.

Tuesday August 16th, I was eating my lunch. I went to eat my applesauce when noticed it tasted rotten. I check the expiration date and it had not expired. I threw it out and planned on throwing the rest out when I got home. I forgot and Kevin packed me another applesauce for lunch on Wednesday. I went to eat it and again it tasted rotten. I suddenly remembered that Breckin had an applesauce packed in his lunch so I texted Pam asking her to taste it or throw it out. She texted me back the applesauce tasted normal to both her and Kim.

Thursday August 18th, I was 10 days past ovulation and working a late night at school for
business day. We had been going back and forth about whether to test that night or not. I got my positive pregnancy test with Breckin at 10 days past ovulation. We felt if we got a positive we could tell mom on her birthday but if it was a negative I was going to have to wait 4 or 5 days for my cycle to end knowing that I'm not pregnant. I finally decided that I would "hold" and decide when I got home. Well, we put Breckin down to bed and decided to test. We got the camera ready so we could film the results like we did with Breckin's test. I sat the test on the counter and the line came up almost immediately... no time to film. Look how beautiful and dark it is! I bust into tears.

I tested again Friday August 19th, the test was darker. We went out of town for mom's birthday,
came back Sunday, tested again, and the test was darker yet again. The test I took today was DARKER than the control! I am so happy, excited, overwhelmed... I could go on but I wont. I have been crampy and it has gotten pretty bad at times. I have had two days of morning sickness. It seems to alternate days. I've had a couple of mood swings, those aren't fun. I welcome the symptoms though, no matter how miserable. I just want a healthy pregnancy and baby.....

So, I guess my updates will now be PREGNANCY updates!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I'm 6 days past ovulation today. I started feeling some mild and at times sharp cramps yesterday. Last month my cramps were off to the side close to where my ovary is located. This month my cramps are more centered. I am hoping that is a good sign. I'm not really having any other symptoms but it's still early.

I haven't decided when I will test. 10 DPO, which is the earliest I would consider testing, is on Thursday and I have to be at work until 7pm for business day. I was thinking about testing on Friday (mom's birthday) before we head to the river. If I get a positive I can tell mom as one of her birthday presents. I am sure it will make her day. But if I get a negative I know I will be devastated and it will ruin my mood for the entire weekend. If I don't test Friday I have to wait until Sunday (13 DPO), which I'm not sure I will be able to do. I don't know what to do!! I guess I will make a decision based on how I feel at the end of the week.

On a different note, I went back to work last week for my flex days. Tomorrow starts the teacher work week. I have a full week ahead of me before I start my part-time schedule. Hopefully it will be a distraction.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Positive OPK.... Finally!

I finally got my positive opk today. You would have thought I got a positive pregnancy test based on our reactions. It's nice to finally know that I am ovulating. My confidence for this cycle has returned. I hope so badly that I end up with a positive pregnancy test in less than two weeks.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

OPK for Cycle Day 14

I took an OPK when we got home from shopping today and the test was darker then yesterday's but still not positive. I hope this means that I will actually get my positive tomorrow.... though if the OPKs this month have taught me anything it's not to expect anything.

Friday, August 5, 2011

So frustrated!

I was expecting to get a positive OPK yesterday since my test the day before was so close to positive, but the test was the same as yesterday's, if not slightly lighter. It was the last test I had of that brand so I had Kevin pick some up on his way home. I took a test that night and it was obviously negative, not even close to a positive. I know that this isn't saying much because it's a different brand but it's insanely frustrating.

I took another test today and yet another negative! I seems lighter then last night's but last night's test has been sitting overnight and it seems like it has got darker. The test from last night seems to have a dark line going down the side of the test line which if I had seen it last night I might have considered it a positive because it is as dark as the control.

I was having a 30 day cycle then a 26 day cycle. It went back and forth like that for the last 8 months. Last month was supposed to be my long cycle but it was another short cycle (27 days). Maybe this is my long cycle? So I wouldn't ovulate until CD 16 or 17 if that's the case. I am going to assume that is what is going on instead of getting upset. If I don't have a positive OPK by Monday or Tuesday I might go insane.

Really my concern is that I will get a complete negative (much lighter then the other tests) and never get a positive. If I don't get a positive I might not have had an LH surge and that would mean I didn't ovulate. I was feeling good about this cycle. I just had this overall feeling that this month things were going to turn out good.... but I don't know anymore. Trying to conceive is not fun. I just want to be pregnant again.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

About to Ovulate

I will be ovulating tonight or tomorrow. I have been nauseous today and extremely emotional the last few days. I burst into sobbing tears last night for a very stupid reason. I am feeling more confidant this month but I think the negatives last month hurt my over all confidence and made me a little weary about getting excited. I am so ready to be pregnant.

My summer is coming to an end next week. I will be doing my flex days next Wednesday and Thursday and the week after that is the first full week for teachers. I have enjoyed my summer so much. I love getting to spend so much time with my little boy. He amazes me everyday. I knew I was going to love being a momma but I really had no idea... I love that little boy more then life and I love him a little more each day... if that is even possible. I don't know how I got so lucky. He really is an amazing child.